Shiksha Samvad

Shiksha Samvad

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

International Open Access, Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal | ISSN: 2584-0983 (Online)

Call for Paper: Vol. 2 – Issue 3 – March 2025 (Last Date- 30 March 2025)

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Shiksha Samvad International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research will only accept manuscripts submitted as e-mail attachments ( ) or by Online Submission link. The submitted paper should be preferably in Shiksha Samvad Paper Template. This will ensure fast processing and publication.

Criteria for Manuscript:

Submitted manuscripts must be Plagiarism free.

  • Manuscript must be original and should not have been published previously anywhere.
  • The writing must be clear, concise and unambiguous.
  • The data should be valid.
  • The discussions and conclusions drawn by the authors must be reasonable and supportable.
  • The information must be relevant and interesting to area of research.

Preparation of Manuscripts:

 As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, as publication process may be delayed that do not adhere to these guidelines. It should be arranged in the following order:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Introduction
  5. Materials & Methods
  6. Results & Discussion
  7. Conclusion
  8. References

Main Manuscript should be formatted in accordance with the Paper Template click here.​

Manuscript Format: 

Manuscript must be written in Hindi or English or other Regional language using MS-Word (doc or docx format only), and follow the Shiksha Samvad paper template click here.

Review and Publication Process:  

All manuscripts are reviewed by at least two editorial board (reviewers) members of the editorial board.  Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors through e-mail within 2-7 days after submitting paper. The Authors must have to submit the copyright and undertaking form along with the payment details upon acceptance of their manuscript.  Submit Following all document by mail ( )

  • Copyright agreement form Click Here to Download(submit the scanned copy with Handwritten signed by author)
  • Undertaking by author form Click Here to Download(submit the scanned copy with Handwritten signed by author)
  • Payment Proof 

Note: There is no charge for the processing manuscript. But if your paper is accepted then author have to pay the publication charge which is very nominal fees.

Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

We invite your contribution in the following categories: Research Journal (Article), Thesis/Dissertation Publication (Online).

For any query or submission, please feel free to e-mail us:  (