Shiksha Samvad

Shiksha Samvad

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

International Open Access, Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal | ISSN: 2584-0983 (Online)

Call for Paper: Vol. 2 – Issue 3 – March 2025 (Last Date- 30 March 2025)

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

Whether intentional or not, plagiarism is a serious violation. Plagiarism is the copying of ideas, text, data and other creative work (e.g. tables, figures and graphs) and presenting it as original research without proper citation.We are publishing manuscript with zero percent plagrism .
To avoid plagiarism, authors confirm that:

  1. I/We understand plagiarism is against the profession ethics;
  2. No copyrighted materials have been used in the manuscript without permission;
  3. The manuscript is free from plagiarism and has not been published previously;
  4. I/We will take the full responsibility for the opinion expressed in the paper and for settling in all disputes arising from using any copyrighted materials in the manuscript without proper permission.

The author will be required to clarify regarding the plagiarized manuscript within one week if it is found to be suspected of plagiarism during any stages even after publication. Without a reasonable and timely explanation, the manuscript will be automatically rejected and removed from the system. Any manuscripts submitted by the same author will not be accepted